AACE Connect

In the world of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and the throngs of other social platforms, it is sometimes hard to know where to turn for trusted information.

Enter AACE Connect: a social platform designed specifically for you. The American Association for Cancer Education launched its very own social media platform in hopes of giving members their very own spot on the web to interact, learn and connect with other professionals.

Here are some of the features of AACE Connect:

  • Discussion Forums
  • Email Notifications
  • Ability to reply to posts via email
  • Group Resources
  • Group Events
  • Group Links
  • Private Messages
  • Rich User Profiles
  • And more!

How To Connect

  1. Log into AACE Connect at http://test-connect.aaceonline.com/ using your current AACE username and password.
  2. Update your profile and photo by clicking My Profile.
  3. View groups you're in by clicking My Groups.
  4. Join some Groups by clicking Find Groups to Join.
  5. Start a discussion by clicking Post New Discussion from the Discussions tab of any group.
  6. Reply to a discussion by clicking Reply… from within the discussion online OR by replying to a discussion email notification.

Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc. Twitter is a trademark of Twitter, Inc. Instagram is a trademark of Instagram, Inc. Pinterest is a trademark of Pinterest, Inc. YouTube is a trademark of Google, Inc.